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Dark Blue: Has not been researched.
Orange: The transform component for the entire spline, containing coordinates and rotation matrix. These don't need a map reload for changes to them to take effect. Note that some poles contain an extra transformation matrix above the normal one. If you want to make position changes to these, you'll need to change the first two set of coordinates. The first one controls the location Sly gravitates towards, the normal transform coordinates only control its position visually. These don't need a map reload to take effect.
Magenta: Has not been researched.

Revision as of 01:49, 29 April 2024

Circle Button Interacts
Game Mechanic
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Circle button interacts, such as pipes and door entrance triggers, have their own structs. However, unlike normal map objects, they don't pool, so they have static map-specific addresses. Some of them also contain pointers to objects they're supposed to be used with, making for an easy way to get around pooling in map object mods. Unless otherwise specified, these can be found by interacting with them using Sly and using the "last collision touched" pointer.


Pole Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Poles, or any object that acts like them (Sly holds his cane in his mouth) are objects independent of the actual pole model. They contain an invisible spline with varying amounts of points depending on the size and shape of the pole.

The struct is relatively short. The pole right outside the Paris safehouse is used here as an example:

Green: Start of the struct, which contains important information such as the object's ID as well as various pointers to relevant data, including the actual pole object, likely to borrow some properties from it. The specifics of the various pointers have not been thoroughly researched.

Dark Blue: Has not been researched.

Orange: The transform component for the entire spline, containing coordinates and rotation matrix. These don't need a map reload for changes to them to take effect. Note that some poles contain an extra transformation matrix above the normal one. If you want to make position changes to these, you'll need to change the first two set of coordinates. The first one controls the location Sly gravitates towards, the normal transform coordinates only control its position visually.

Magenta: Has not been researched.

Cyan: Contains data related to the spline points, but not the actual positions themselves, including Sly's position on the pole. Needs more research.

Yellow: Contains the coordinates of each spline point relative to the center of the spline.

Red: Has not been researched.


Rope Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Ropes, or any object that acts like them (Sly runs/slides along them) are objects independent of the actual rope model. They contain an invisible spline with varying amounts of points depending on the size or shape of the pole.

The struct is slightly shorter than pole structs, however they contain more unknown data. A rope next to the Paris safehouse is used here as an example:

Green: Start of the struct, which contains important information such as the object's ID as well as various pointers to relevant data, including the actual rope object, likely to borrow some properties from it. The specifics of the various pointers have not been thoroughly researched.

Dark Blue: Has not been researched.

Orange: The transform component for the entire spline, containing coordinates and rotation matrix.

Magenta: Has not been researched.

Cyan: Contains data related to the spline points, but not the actual positions themselves. More data exists here that does not exist in pole structs, some of which resist change while Sly is interacting with the rope. Needs more research.

Yellow: Contains the coordinates of each spline point relative to the center of the spline, however this is jumbled up with many other seemingly unrelated sets of coordinates which also resist change when Sly is interacting with the rope. Additionally, changes made to the points' relative coordinates don't act the same compared to poles, being adjusted in unusual and inconsistent amounts, and often in random directions despite modifying one axis. More research needed.

Spire Points

Spire Point Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Cane Swings

Cane Swing Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Wall Hooks

Wall Hook Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves


Crawlspace Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Logo Interact Triggers

Logo Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves

Sneak Triggers

Sneak Interact
Data Structure
GameSly 2: Band of Thieves