SlyMods:October 2022 Mod Jam

The infographic posted to announce the mod jam

Boo! It's spooky month, which means the Sly Cooper Modding Discord is hosting another mod jam. This time, the theme is: HORROR.


  • Submissions will be open from Thurs 10/27 - Fri 11/4
  • Voting will be open Sat 11/5 - Sun 11/6.
  • The winner will be announced on Monday, November 7, 2022.

The winner was originally planned to be announced on Halloween, but on 10/27 timeline was pushed back to allow more time for submissions.


  1. Only one mod submission per person.
  2. You can submit a mod alone or with a group
  3. You must submit a new mod, not one you've already created in the past.
  4. If your mod only affects a specific job, you must either:
    • Make it automatically load the job, or
    • Include a save file that has the job available
  5. If your mod is an external program, it must be open source.



The winner was Scary Rat by NiV-L-A. Thanks to everyone who participated!

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