Sly 2:Circle Button Interacts: Difference between revisions

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Orange: The transform component for the entire spline, containing coordinates and rotation matrix. These don't need a map reload for changes to them to take effect. Note that some poles contain an extra transformation matrix above the normal one. If you want to make position changes to these, you'll need to change the first two set of coordinates. The first one controls the location Sly gravitates towards, the normal transform coordinates only control its position visually.
Magenta: Controls character-specific interactions when nearby. The "FFFFFFFF" can be changed to a text string ID, which causes it to display that string in the infobox GUI element, just like doors that warn you about abandoning jobs. If you climb the pole then jump off, an icon for that character will appear and follow you just like the sparkles do. The "00000001" dictates which character can use the pole. Setting it to 00000002 makes the makes it stop emitting blue sparkles and start emitting green sparkles, letting Bentley climb it with his unused climbing ability. Setting it to 00000004 does the same thing but purple particles and Murray. Setting it to 00000000 essentially disables the pole. Setting it to 000000FF makes the interact work with all characters, removing the need to use conditionals to let different characters use the interact. Values such as 3, 5, 6, and higher act like 1, 2, and 4, so the value's entire purpose is unknown. Poles are the only Thief Move-related circle button object other than Sneak Triggers that Bentley and Murray can interact with.
Cyan: Contains data related to the spline points, but not the actual positions themselves, including Sly's position on the pole. Needs more research.
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