
Joined 8 October 2023
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NTSC-U Episode 5 hub - at address 0x4D8364 is a list that bears a resemblance to the fk$x list, but includes not only entities, but also objects, triggers, invisible things, path points, etc. Each (nameless) entry contains the address that marks the start of its struct, as well as some other info. Unable to find this in any other episode, but it most likely isn't specific to this map. Some things I've been able to find with it include entities like the bats flying around, but also an anchor point for a boat, a bounce-away trigger of some kind, some deactivated triggers, both parts of Sly's cane, and the patrol boat. Everything in the fk$x list probably has entries here.
"Collision" address on the addresses sheet isn't quite collision, the term "binding" fits it better. Instead of setting it to 0, set certain characters in the value to 0 - sometimes nothing will happen, sometimes the object will lose collision, and sometimes the object will lose its "rigid" behavior and can be pushed around by touching it - the entirety of Arpeggio's blimp can be tossed around, for example. This also removes the object's need for a map reload to change coordinates - it'll update live - then setting that value back to its default will lock it in place again. If you do this to the entire map's struct, large parts of the map model will gain physics, letting you throw mountains around, but most of the time everything but entities will disappear due to being mass-proxied away due to all the entities touching it. If you want to move something but changing its coordinates either doesn't work or leaves its collision behind, set its "binding" value to FFFFFFFF.
Map objects that have their transform component updating automatically (i.e. tilting building on a tree in Ep3 hub, Ep5 hub patrol boat, Ep7 water wheels, etc) have an "is being touched" float like entities do - unmoving ones don't, the only excepting being the map model itself. Visibility will be nearby, and -0x2C from that is the start of the struct. Alternatively, you can find the start of the struct of anything with collision by using address 0x3E0988 with an offset of 0x1A0, which points to the struct of the object Bentley's first placed bomb attaches to. There seems to be no way to do this for map objects that lack collision, or for specific map objects (i.e. changing the color of the hidden ice wall in Ep7). Most map objects do generally work with entity offsets like +0xD4 for Render Priority or +0x12C for Opacity. Doing an entity swap with an object in the fk$x list and an object not in the fk$x list will always crash, whether it was done with the ID method or the pointer method.